The Full Story
My relationship with golf has gone through a bit of a transformation: from elementary school introductions with my dad on the driving range, middle school flirtations competing in very small 9-hole matches, high school love-hate in training and competition, and a college break up after not being able to walk-on to a D1 team.
I left the clubs at my parents' house and redirected my attention to academics. I started out with a major in biology with the plan to become a physician, but after an awful time getting through Chemistry II, I began looking into other options that were more appealing...like anatomy and biomechanics!
Now, everything is not for everyone, but when I noticed my interest was piqued with talk of muscle attachments and actions, it was enough to motivate me through Human Physiology. I completed my Bachelor's degree from Baylor University in 2011 and continued my educational journey to Physical Therapy school at Northern Arizona University.
And I was in heaven!
I graduated with my Doctorate degree in 2014 and started my first career position in a nationally ranked outpatient clinic in Texas where I focused my skills on helping patients recover from life-changing neurologic conditions like stroke, acquired brain injuries, spinal cord injuries, neurological degenerative diseases like Parkinson's Disease and ALS. I thoroughly enjoyed my work there but had to re-locate as my spouse's career lead us to South Carolina.
We enjoyed the warm (understated) climate of SC for a short year, where I was able to dabble my PT skills back into the world of orthopedics just before we were pulled across country (literally, across the whole entire country) to Washington at the start of the Pandemic in 2020.
Needless to say, things have been a whirlwind since then.
I have been entirely blessed to have settled into a wonderful PT family in WA; until the I caught the bug. Not the Covid-19 bug, the GOLF BUG!!!
After 13 years of not really playing any "serious" golf, the persistent callings of my manager sister friend (cameo appearance on the home page!) to join her for a tee time steadily blew a zephyr across my low burning golf flame.
And POOF! GAME ON!!!!!
The small snowball at the top of the mountain started rolling down the hill and before I knew it, I was playing in the ladies league on my off day, working in the Pro Shop on the weekends, teaching First Tee, giving private lessons, hosting ladies groups, playing at charity events, started a position as assistant coach for a local community college; all while working full time in the physical therapy clinic.
It took me a little longer than maybe it should have for me to realize that my hobby was turning into something much more. Could it be passion? Obsession? Love?! I mean, I knew I loved the sport (like, c'mon, my husband proposed to me on a golf course!), but something felt different inside of me. Something was missing from my work that was previously there; but I know I hadn't lost my love for physical therapy. What was it? Purpose.
I had noticed a trend in the individuals I had been working with on the course: some people had aches/pains/stiffness, some more floppy/loose, others lacking strength/power, some with poor balance/coordination. And all of these things seem to me to have a pretty straight forward solution found in physical therapy.
My newfound purpose has pushed me to take a tremendous leap, headfirst into golf FULL-TIME. I want to provide the service that I was missing through my entire personal golf journey: guidance through exercise and golf training to optimize your physical fitness and golf skill to compete at whatever level you want to. The future is limitless in what you can achieve, and I want to be the one to help you get there.